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Around seven years ago, I became interested an obscure field of study called Biblical mathematics. As you may or may not know, the Christian Bible was originally written, thousands of years ago, in Hebrew and Greek. The letters of both of these languages, also served as the numbers of these languages. This is called gematria.


The fact that every letter of Scripture is also a number, makes the Christian Bible the largest mathematical document of history. Considering that the Bible is the Holy Writ of the world’s largest religion and that mathematics is the basis of science itself, the possibility that a Divine Being might mathematically encode these scriptures was quite promising.


Having studied the ancient languages of the Mideast and the archaeology of the Bible, I was in a good position to investigate such a possibility. For five years I agonized over whether the patterns I immediately began to see, were just phantasms of my own imagination or in fact the fingerprints of God. In such a field as this, Confirmation Bias is a constant danger, yet patterns there were and they were multiplying.


I then began to notice a curious tendency: The more I looked for highly improbable mathematical patterns in the text, the more I found; and the more I found, the more highly improbable it was, that any of this could have ever happened by chance.


At last, I began to find patterns that were so shocking and so astronomically improbable, that collectively they constituted definitive proof that the Bible was Divinely Inspired. What’s more, these patterns were not only extensive and exceptionally improbable they were ubiquitous and could be found in every passage of Scripture.


It was then I decided to dedicate my life to revealing the mathematically Divine truth of the Holy Scriptures to the world.


What can be viewed on this website and in my videos represents only the topmost snowflake of the tip of the iceberg of how much evidence there is for this phenomenon. If you can imagine the Bible as the ocean itself, then the mathematical evidence for the Divine Inspiration of the text would outnumber all the fish and creatures of that ocean.


Most telling of all was, that I was not alone. Other scholars from around the world were making the same sort of discoveries as I was. All of these mathematical discoveries were pointing to one big thing: God was real and the evidence of His Being was as abundant as the stars of heaven above.


God is real and the proof of His existence is exactly where it ought to be. It is found in His Holy Word the Bible, and it is proven by the very basis of scientific truth itself, mathematics.


John Elias


The Secret Bible is a place to explore and share the mathematical discoveries that are being made from the alphanumerical textual analysis of the Scriptures, made possible through Gematria.


We are primarily interested in the Gematria and related mathematics of Hebrew and Greek in the Standard or the Ordinal variety, and also the In Full and Final Forms to a lesser degree. Sources should be Biblical, from a listed Greek New Testament, (Textus Receptus) or the Hebrew Tanakh and the Greek Septuagint.


We are not interested in ELS Bible Codes or modern English codes, without  historical provenance. We are interested in the mathematics of the historically verifiable.


If you have questions, additions, corrections or contributions, email me:

If you'd like to recieve an electronic newsletter that reports on all the various new discoveries in this field by myself and many others, please subscribe below.

The great revealing has only just begun.

The first Christians shared everything. If you are a Christian and you find any of this compelling, please share this website or the PDFs or the videos with your friends, family and religious leaders.


John Elias is a nondenominational Christian. He makes no pronouncements on who and who does not go to heaven or hell and leaves this in the capable hands of God. He does however insist that salvation is assured to those who believe in the Deity of Christ and the purpose of His sacrifice on the cross and who follow these beliefs to their logical conclusion.


John Elias believes that not only is the existence of God provable, but that believing in God is the best laid bet in the universe. If there is no God and all Christianity is but a farce, then the adherents of Christianity lose just as much in their deaths as the most ardent of atheists. However, if there is a Christian God, then Christians stand to gain the most superabundant gift of all: Eternal Life. That is the best laid bet in the universe.

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