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The Bible and its original languages, Hebrew and Greek, have been hiding a great treasure trove of mathematical secrets for thousands of years. Not only are these secrets numerous and ubiquitous, they are also highly improbable.
It can be shown, with the aid of Probability Theory, that these patterns are so mathematically improbable, that it proves again and again, that the Bible is the Word of God and inspired by the Supreme Being Himself.
Click on one of the graphics to see the evidence for yourself or watch the videos for even more evidence.
If you'd like to keep up with this new and rapidly evolving field, sign up for the newsletter to get the latest developments of the greatest secret in history, the final and definitive proof of the existence of God.
The Secret Bible Video is a short introduction to the subject of gematria and a good place to start.
Click on the Secret Bible to view the Secret Bible video channel.
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